Writing a great international school CV is a crucial part of the application process. If your CV isn’t up to scratch, you risk not even being invited to interview.
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Making the most of the International Baccalaureate at international schools Why did you go into teaching? Was it to help students pass exams? I doubt it. Unfortunately, standardised testing and increasing pressure on teachers, students and school has led to teachers becoming overly focussed on exam results, therefore developing short term strategies to boost exam… Read more »
If you currently teach in an international school there is a good chance you’ll love your life. International school teaching offers unparalleled opportunities for professional and personal development in a supportive environment and new culture. However, there may be something missing: the feeling that you are making a difference. There is a reasonable probability that… Read more »
Carlsberg beer runs eye-catching TV ads showing superhuman versions of ordinary things. What if Carlsberg made a Superteacher?
Read more »In 2013 Alexis Toye, co-founder of Teacher Horizons, travelled across China visiting schools and speaking with principals along the way. In this article he shares his experience and insights – a must read for anyone considering teaching in this fascinating country.
Read more »Teaching abroad for the first, second or even tenth time can be a scary prospect. Not only are you moving jobs – most likely to a significantly different school – but you are also moving country. With a proactive approach and the excellent support provided by most international schools, you will probably find settling in to be part of the experience and a rewarding one.
Read more »You are faced with a problem. Four schools have offered you positions. Each offer salaries in different currencies and each has different benefits. The cost of living in these four countries varies hugely too. What is the best way of assessing the package on offer? Which will afford you the best quality of life whilst allowing you to save?
This blog post attempts to help by using four real life examples of a candidate currently working in the UK and looking for work overseas.
Read more »The International Baccalaureate has become the dominant choice of curriculum for international schools now. The IB Primary Years Programme is experiencing unprecedented growth as parents demand for their children to undertake an inquiry based learning soars. The uptake of the IB in the US is on the rise, as is the demand for IB education in UK private schools. So, why are the numbers of British state schools offering the IB reducing then?
Read more »Normally you would sit at interview, meet some of your future colleagues, read an inspection report and go on a school tour. So, with just an hour skype interview for international schools, how do you go about assessing whether this one is a great school?
Read more »Ever wanted to secure a great new international school job whilst wearing underwear!?
97% of Teacher Horizons’ placements have happened via Skype interviews. With internet speeds improving globally and with schools becoming more technology savvy, Skype interviews are likely to become common practice amongst schools. Skype interviews are far preferable to recruitment fairs and make much more sense than flying across the world at huge expense.
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